JavaScript: Summary of the things I learned

Sakshi Sharma
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Hello Everyone, hope you all are doing good!

On 12th and 13th June 2021, I attended a JavaScript Workshop which was conducted by LinuxWorld Pvt. Ltd. It was delivered by Vimal Daga Sir and as always he explained everything in a very systematic manner. He started by explaining frameworks and browsers and their respective use cases. Along with that he also explained how to integrate JavaScript with CSS and other languages.

Following is a short summary of the things I learned:

🔸The browser is similar to an interpreter as it understands the code and subsequently creates the webpage as an output.

🔸Activities done in a browser in order to interact with it are known as an event.

🔸The “div” tag is used to divide the code into sections. Any tag in the code is uniquely identified by its ID.

🔸Ways to include JavaScript in our code is as follows:

→ inline

→ script tag

→ putting the code in an external file

🔸JavaScript is a framework that is a collection of several pre-created functions.

🔸In order to select an element by using its ID we use getElementById().

🔸innerHTML can be used to get the content of a respective element.

🔸When we want an event to happen by a click we use onclick.

🔸Mouseover is used when we want an event to happen when the mouse is placed on an element on the webpage.

🔸The document object model is abbreviated as DOM. With the help of Javascript, it is possible to create a dynamic HTML page.

🔸The syntax of print statement in JavaScript is as follows:

document. write(“Hello”)

🔸Function used to speak in JavaScript is responsiveVoice.speak().

🔸The Browser Object Model is simply a means of utilising Javascript to create interactive objects in a browser.

🔸Boxes supported by JavaScript are:

→ Alert

→ Confirm

→ Prompt

🔸To integrate CSS with JavaScript, one can use the <style> tag.

🔸AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a concept that allows in performing multiple actions at the same time.

🔸Synchronous JavaScript means that functions run one after the another, whereas asynchronous JavaScript means that each function can run parallel.

🔸To write loops and conditions in JavaScript use the following syntax:

for (initialization; condition; post-expression) {

required code


🔸GET is used to request data from a specified resource. It is one of the most common HTTP methods.

🔸POST is used to send data to a server to create or update a resource.

🔸To insert a pre-formatted text into an HTML document we use <pre>.

I would like to thank Vimal Sir and Preeti Ma’am for conducting engaging workshops! #forevergrateful

